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Fixstars' Strengths

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We are experts in software acceleration

Fixstars is a group of experts in maximizing computer performance and developing accelerated software.


Hardware expertise

Our deep knowledge of hardware architectures brings huge enhancement in software performance, which accelerates not only software itself but also your research, development, business etc. We offer a total service covering system design, consulting, hardware selection, and accelerated software development.

Moreover, we have wide range of experiences ranging from embedded software development to HPC application development exploiting computational power of CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, DSPs, and PLCs. Customers in various fields will be able to enjoy our solutions.


True implementation skill

Many customers have needs to faster algorithms without sacrificing their semantics changes or with minimizing them. Fixstars engineers can meet such demands by deeply understanding their algorithms, choosing the right hardware, and re-programming them for the target device.

Since we can truly understand our clients' sources, it is possible to efficiently expand and refactor them, which improves program quality as well as performance. That's the true implementation skill.


Expertise and Domain Knowledge

Fixstars has expertise in assessing our clients' research studies and published research papers. We can choose a valid state-of-the-art technology from them and port it to your product.

We have been leading the research and product development for more than 15 years in various fields such as semiconductors, industrial equipment, automobiles, life sciences, and finance. Our engineers have know-how to facilitate research and development process smoothly, taking into account the circumstances and constraints in each field.

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