Irvine – November 14th, 2023 - Fixstars Solutions Inc., a global leader in acceleration technologies, has announced Fixstars Corporation's tremendous achievement: supercomputer Fugaku has been ranked number one in the world for eight consecutive terms in the BFS (Breadth-First Search) category of Graph500. A joint research group consisting of RIKEN, Kyushu University, Fixstars Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "NTT"), and Fujitsu Limited further improved measurement results of Graph500.

The performance of large-scale graph analysis is an important indicator in big data analysis, which requires large-scale and complex data processing. Starting this term, the joint research group will add NTT to the group; NTT has a proven track record in high-speed graph analysis and will be considering new and exciting software technology that will further demonstrate the performance of Fugaku.
For more details, see the website of our collaborator, RIKEN .
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